Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Postcard Extension Paintings

This is a great art project to introduce children to painting and mixing paint to make their own colors.
First, introduce this project by discussing warm and cool colors. The color wheel is useful for explaining this but make sure to talk about how not every color is represented on the color wheel.
 Talk about how mixing different colors makes a new color.
Discuss the different types of paintbrushes that artists use and what each could be used for.

Have student bring in a postcard of an artwork that they like or provide these postcards for the class.

Art Project: Postcard Extension Paintings!
  • Watercolor paper
  • Paintbrushes
  • Glue
  • Art postcards
  • Scissors
  • Tempera paint
  • plastic cups
  • paint pallets
  • Butcher paper
1. Lay out the butcher paper to cover the tables or desks.
2. Have each student fill a paint pallet with the colors they will need for their painting, fill a plastic cup with water to wash the brushes out, and pick the brushes they will need.
3. Have the students cut out any edge around the painting on the postcard and glue their postcard on the watercolor paper.
4. Students can extend their painting matching the colors of the original painting.
Here are some of the supplies I used:

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