Thursday, June 7, 2012

Multicultural Integration Adaptations

Here are some possible ways to integrate different content into the multicultural theory unit:
  • Danielle Thompson
Music connection:
What kind of music do people like in other countries?
What kinds of instruments do they have? How is it different from where we live and the instruments that we use?
Let’s listen to some music from other cultures. Do you like it?
What does their music mean to them?
Primary song: “Children All Over the World”


  • Elisa Johnson
Let’s look at some other children around the world, and learn about them. Discussion of the book: Children just like Me by Barnabas and Anabel Kindersley.

Highlight some of the pages, since it would take too long to read the whole book. Point out pictures of children from different parts of the world and how their lives are. Point out differences in clothes, how they go to school, their families, hobbies…
What kind of pictures do you think they would have put on their dioramas?
Find in a globe where some of these children are from.
Adaptation from lesson found in:
  • What language do we speak in our classroom?
  • What language do you speak at home with your family?
  • What language do you think students in Japan speak?

Let’s learn how to say “Hello” in five different languages—Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swahili, and Japanese. (Adjust this to the diversity of the students in your class or area you wish to study.) Some of the children in the book we saw speak these languages:

Use the word strips to teach students how to say “hello” in different languages.
Word strips available at:
Also, sing the song “This is the Way We Say Hello” to practice.

Academy Handbook Kindergarten
“This is The Way We Say Hello”
(Tune: Here we go round the mulberry bush)
This is the way we say hello
Say hello, say hello
This is the way we say hello Hello in the English language (Hello)
This is the way we say hello
Say hello, say hello
This is the way we say hello Hello in the Spanish language (Hola!)
This is the way we say hello
Say hello, say hello
This is the way we say hello Hello in the Swahili language (Jambo)
This is the way we say hello
Say hello, say hello
This is the way we say hello
Hello in the French language (Bon-Jour)
This is the way we say hello
Say hello, say hello
This is the way we say hello Hello in the Portuguese language (Oi)
This is the way we say hello
Say hello, say hello
This is the way we say hello
Hello in the Japanese language (Konnichiwa)

  • Have students verbally repeat “hello” in each language as you say it.
  • Students participate in singing the song.
  • Have students share the countries of origin of their ancestors.
  • Students walk around the classroom and greet someone with a handshake and say “hello” in a language they just learned.

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