Saturday, June 9, 2012


Here is an art project that is fun for children to imitate the style of a famous artist. You can choose to have the children use the colors that are there and create a painting where you can see the dots used to make it or do real pointillistic art by making different colored tiny dots. If you do the second option you might want to either have a bigger piece of paper or use a smaller dot size so that the effect of the colors mixing is seen from far away. This is an example of the first option:


  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • Tempera Paint
  • Q-tips
  • Paint pallets

Step 1: Make a light sketch of what you want to paint using pencil.
Step 2: Use a q-tip to paint your picture.
If you wish to have smaller dots you may rip off the cotton on the end of the q-tip.

Step 3: Wait for the painting to dry and display!

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