Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I do not know everything there is to know about clay, so another resource would have to be used to learn how to use the kiln, what type of clay to use, and how to fire the clay that you use. Clay can be used to make tiles, cups, and bowls with elementary students if the school has the funding. Here are some general directions for clay projects after you have bought the materials:

  • Clay
  • Glaze
  • Kiln
  • Any materials that you would like to use to help you shape the clay (rolling pin, rulers.. ect)
1.  Give each student a block of clay.
2.  Teach them how to score and slip to connect 2 parts of the clay together so they won't fall apart.
  • Scoring and slipping is when you score the edges that you want to hook together and then spread some slip (made out of the dry scraps of clay and water) over the scored edge and put the two edges together.
3. Once the children make their creations put them in a safe place to dry.
4. When the clay becomes "bone dry", in 1-2 days, fire the clay for the first time.
5. After it has been fired the children can glaze their artwork.
6. Later, fire the clay a second time and the artwork is finished!

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