Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photograph Cut Outs

This is the art project from the expressivist unit. It can be used and adapted for any other units where you would like to emphasize something in a photograph.

  • Exacto Knives
  • Cardboard to protect table
  • Extra Pictures for the students who forgot

1. Bring in a picture of your choice.
2. Put the cardboard down to protect the tables.
3. Lightly cut through the first layer of the photograph around the part of the picture that you would like to emphasize.
4. Either tear away the colored layer of the photo paper leaving only the white part showing. You may wear away the emphasized part or tear out every thing around it depending on how you want to emphasize it.

Teach technique and SAFETY with exacto knives. Emphasize not cutting too deep.
  • Might want to research teaching knife safety to kids (
  • Let them know you trust them that they can be responsible
  • Students create their pieces.
  • When students are finishing up, have them start working on their assessment to avoid down time and danger!

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