Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Neo-Rationalist Grade Level Adaptations

Here are some ways to adapt the neo-rationalist art unit to fit other grade levels:
  • Allison Adams
Grade: 3
Time Needed:  2 days of 45 minutes each day.
Objective: Students will understand the neo-rationalist theory of art and how it relates by studying how different cultures use the same story line to write stories in different way, and how different artist study different artist styles and use those styles in their own art.

State Visual Arts Standard 3
Reading: Literature Standard 2
Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.

State Social Studies Standard 2
Students will understand cultural factors that shape a community. Objective 1
Evaluate key factors that determine how a community develops. Describe how stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture.

National Arts Standard 6
Standard 2 (Perceiving): The student will analyze, reflect on, and apply the structures of art. Objective 2 Create works of art using the elements and principles.  Group some significant works of art by a common element or visual characteristic.

  • Allison Swenson
Grade: 2
Time Needed: 45 minutes
Objective: Students will understand the neo-rationalist theory of art. Student will show this knowledge by creating their own Vincent Van Gogh inspired oil painting  of a different type of flower. (We will study his different sunflower paintings for inspiration.)

State Content Standard 2
a) Express personal experiences and imagination through dance, storytelling, music, and visual art.
b) Create, with improving accuracy, works of art depicting depth (e.g., close objects large, distant objects small) using secondary and tertiary colors.
c) Identify benefits of cooperating and sharing.

State Visual Arts Standard 3
Objective 1
b) Group artists and their works according to style or similar visual characteristics.

National Arts Standard 6
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines. 

  • Mallory Belnap 
Grade: 6 (Advanced ESL)
Time Needed: 45 minutes
Students will understand the neo-rationalist theory of art and how it relates to citing sources in a research paper without plagiarizing. Student will show this knowledge by creating their own pointillistic art and writing a short research paper using correct citations.

Standards:State Visual Arts Standard 3
Objective 1
b) Group artists and their works according to style or similar visual characteristics.
State Writing Standard 8
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
National Arts Standard 6
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines.
Grade 6 (ESL):
Use of multiple resources
Entering: Search for topics on Web sites, in libraries or using other sources with a partner from a list
Beginning: Classify topics identified on Web sites or other sources (e.g., classgenerated list) with a partner
Developing: Sort information on topics of choice gathered from multiple sources with a partner
Expanding: Arrange information on topics of choice gathered from multiple sources in logical order with a partner
Bridging: Confirm or rearrange information after re/reading of topics of choice gathered from multiple sources

  • Melissa Hafen
Grade: 4th
Time Needed:  45 min

Objective:  Students will understand the neo-rationalist theory of art and how it relates to avoiding plagiarisms.  Students will show this knowledge by visiting the school’s library and creating their own pointillistic art and by correctly citing their own work.

National Language Arts 4
Students describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses

State Library Media 2
Objective 2
b)  Paraphrase or summarize information to avoid plagiarism

  • Morgan Black
Grade: 5
Time Needed: 45 minutes
Objective: Students will understand the neo-rationalist theory of art and how it relates to citing sources in a research paper without plagiarizing. Student will show this knowledge by creating their own pointillist art and writing a short research paper using correct citations.

State Visual Arts Standard 1
Objective 1: Explore a variety of art materials while learning new techniques and processes.
Objective 2: Predict the processes and techniques needed to make a work of art.       

State Visual Arts Standard 2
Objective 2: Create works of art using the elements and principles.
  • Create the illusion of common patterns and textures by the repetition of dots, lines, shapes, tones, colors, and value contrasts.

State Writing Standard 8
Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources.

National Arts Standard 6
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines.      


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