Friday, June 8, 2012

Mimetic Integration Adaptations

Here is some material that would be great to integrate into the mimetic art unit:
  • Ally Adams
Discuss another artist: Walter Mason. He uses nature as his art

  •  Melissa Hafen
Show how this person used different materials to imitate nature and stress certain characteristics.
Ask the class to think of way to imitate their surroundings.  Challenge them to use their imagination.


  • Elisa Johnson
Emphasize how people can have an impact on their environment, either for better or for worse.
         -Can you think of some examples besides the one with the passenger pigeons?
         -Have you seen some examples in your community or neighborhood?
         -What are your feelings about recycling?
Read to the class some of the information contained in the book Don’t Throw It Out: Recycle, Renew and Reuse to Make Things Last by Lori Baird.

Questions to encourage discussion:
Why should we reduce, reuse and recycle?
What can we do to be part of the change?

Show some simple ideas from Pinterest of how things can be reused for beautiful and fun purposes.

11. Make a class graph answering the question: “What do you do with items you are throwing away at home? (adapted from a lesson at
 (The bar shown is to show an example)

Examine the graph and take a look at the items students brought that can be recycled.
Ask, “ Would you now do the same thing with these items that you would have done before our discussion?”

How could you reuse them? (Think about the sample pictures and the book  Don’t Throw It Out.

What if every person in our class acted more responsibly about recycling, reducing, or reusing? What if the whole school did? What are some things this school could do to use natural resources better? Brainstorm as a class and decide on the most feasible idea to implement and ask the  class how they want to advertise this idea to the school.

Project: create a poster or other project to advertise the plan decided upon and post them throughout the school. Decide how long this project will last and the teacher will oversee its implementation and will obtain the necessary permissions.

The class will implement one idea to reduce, reuse or recycle in the school. They will create a way to advertise this idea and it will be implemented for a decided upon period of time.

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