Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Art Test

One creative way that my art teacher tested us on our reading was by having us create a partner painting. Each person would have a different paint color, 1 big paintbrush, and 1 small paintbrush. There would be one book per group and one person would ask a test question from the chapter that we were supposed to read. If the partner answered the question correctly they were able to make a mark on the paper with their large paintbrush. If they answered incorrectly then they could make a mark on the paper with their small paintbrush.
This is a formative assessment method because the teacher does not actually grade the students on their learning. The teacher can roughly see from the paintings how well each student might have understood the chapter and plan more time for a review of the chapter accordingly. Another way to do this is to pass out pre-made test questions to each student and then the key so that each student's achievement does not depend on the questions that their partner asks them.

  • Tempera paint
  • Watercolor paper
  • Large and small paintbrushes
  • Pallets
  • Butcher paper to cover the tables/ desks
Here are the "tests" from my class:

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