Thursday, June 7, 2012

Feminist Integration Adaptation

This adaptation used the feminism lesson to cover a different side of US history along with the feminist movement:
  1.  Elisa Johnson
Introduce the  Civil Rights movement by showing  some pictures and art that relates to it.
What do you know about the Civil Rights movement? Discuss information about it. How do you feel when you see these pictures?
Civil rights demonstrator attacked by a police dog on May 3, 1963, in Birmingham, Alabama.
Talk about Martin Luther King Jr. and his I have a Dream Speech. Play his speech at Discuss with students how his feelings toward equal rights helped him help his people, and how emotions can led to social awareness.

Show art by Kara Walker, who uses this medium to express her feelings about slavery and oppression.
Kara Walker. 8 Possible Beginnings or: The Creation of African-America, a Moving Picture by Kara E. Walker, 2005.
Kara Walker. Untitled, 2002.
Make connections between the feminist movement and the Civil Rights Movement.
1) How are they alike?
2) How are they different?
3) How do you feel about the feminist movement? About the Civil Rights movement?
4) Do you think there are some people and places today where these movements are not accepted? Why?
5) Why do you think art is such a powerful medium to bring awareness to social issues?

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