Saturday, June 9, 2012

Instrumentalist Integration Adaptations

Here are some things that can be integrated into the instrumentalist lesson:
  • Morgan Black
  • Discuss how we can “reduce, reuse and recycle” and the different ways things can be reused – is using waste for art a form of recycling or reusing?
  • Have students do a worksheet on what can be recycled and what should be thrown away.

4) Discuss obstacles to recycling, and some solutions you could use.
  • How can reusable items be used for artistic purposes?
  • Are there other ways you can reuse things that you hadn’t thought of before? Think about the art we just talked about.

  • Whitney Gasser
 Activity with The Empty Pot by Demi
Talk about what this book is trying to teach. Why is being honest important? 
Go through the book and look at the different sizes of flowers. As a class compare the hight of each of the flowers. Have students do this worksheet on comparing length.

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