Elementary Art
A resource for integrating art into the elementary school classroom.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Edible Finger Painting
This is an awesome art project for the lower grades! Thanks Cami Clawson and Melissa Hafen for the great idea! Materials Homemade Fros...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Socially Engaged Artwork
Socially engaged artwork is a great way to show students that artwork does not have to be painting or drawing, it can be a creative act unco...
Here is a fun way to do printmaking in the classroom to make cards and learn about mixing colors. Materials : Styrofoam squares Paint r...
Critical Theory Unit
Teachers: Kaylee Jensen and Danielle Thompson Grade: 1 Time Needed: 45 minutes Objective: Students will understand the Critical theory o...
Hedonist Theory Unit
Teachers Cami Clawson and Melissa Hafen Grade: 1 Objective: Help students to understand the basic fundamentals of literature such as ch...
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